Tech Buddy Project

We have a team of volunteers available to provide support for active agers needing help using their mobile phones, tablets, laptops or desktop devices.

We are scheduling tech clinics at community locations as well as a variety of housing facilities throughout Larimer County. These clinics provide an opportunity for you to meet with your own tech buddy and pick up a few pointers from questions raised by other attendees.

If needed, we can also provide one-on-one assistance in your home or local library.

For more information fill in your name, email address, and phone number below. A PAFC staff member will be in touch.

Our next tech buddy clinics:

April 22 from 1:00-3:00 at the Harmony Library

May 14 from 10:00-12:00 through the Aspen Club. Check their Newsletter on how to register.

Contact us.